Monday, 4 June 2012

Queen's Jubilee

La's Red, White & Blue tribute to Her Majesty.

Snail Attack

Although the netting has kept off the birds, some of the more tasty plants have been chomped by the snails. As an experiment I have placed copper squares around a couple to see if that will deter them.


The compost bins are home to quite a few slowworms who have found it nice and warm under the carpet on top. They have been mating recently and some males have been fighting each other, biting and wrestling to the death!

Close Up

Most of the seedlings are doing well. The little rain we have had recently seems to have helped.

Rocket Garden Seedlings Planted

Thank you Ballantines, the vegetables have arrived in their cardboard box.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Christmas Bounty

Lou, Martin, Alfie & Gus very thoughtfully gave us the vegetable
seedling collection from Rocket Gardens.
La and I gave each other the fruit collection too.
So come on Spring ! We are ready for you this year..........